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Why Do We Believe Dreams Are So Real While We're Dreaming?

“Mark’s” late grandfather is a goldfish. Mark and the goldfish are playing chess. As Mark prepares his checkmate move, a hammerhead shark knocks over the chessboard and demands the $13 that Mark owes him. Mark’s late grandfather flops off the table and into the fishbowl by a plaid couch. Mark pulls money from his shoe and counts out two fives and three ones; but before he can hand the bills to the shark — who is now sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette — his grand(fish)father leaps out of the fishbowl and eats the money.

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To Sleep, Perchance to Lucid Dream

When we remember our dreams, we often struggle to make sense of them. For example, you may dream that a bear is chasing you, and wonder what it could possibly mean. Freud, who believed that puns were important in dreams, might have suggested that a problem or conflict is “bearing” down on you. Animals often turn up in dreams. For instance, let’s say you dream that there’s a shark in your hot tub and its dead eyes stare at you while it flosses its rows of teeth with fishing line; maybe this signals that you’re in hot water because of an approaching deadline at work.

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7 Women Achieving Greatness With MasterClass

In this special edition of Member Showcase, we are celebrating Women’s History Month by highlighting seven incredible women members from the MasterClass Community. These women share how MasterClass gave them the tools, techniques, and confidence to turn their dreams into a reality.

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